Welcome to our Sparklean Home Service!
(214) 258-3619
9am - 8pm
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You can learn more from our asked questions

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No, it is not necessary, but you can if you need it, it is your choice. We are trained to work in both situations and we are happy to switch places if you decide or need to be home during the cleaning work
Absolutely, we are pet friendly, if your pet is comfortable around our staff it will be our pleasure. We are very careful not to leave any chemicals unattended when there are pets at home. However, when we need to mop your floors pets will have to be in a designated area.
No, we will provide all the supplies and equipment we need to do professional and premium work. However if you prefer for us to use a specific cleaner or brand, we ask that you provide it along with any specific instructions.
You are welcome to cancel or change your appointment up to 24 hours before the scheduled time, without being charged. However, if the cancellation is less than 24 hours in advance, Sparklean Home will charge 50% of the total price quoted at booking. This fee will take care of the staff expenses assigned to your service.
Yes, you can and you can also tip them in our system. Daily tips are in its entirety to the team member that worked at your place that day. Christmas Tips and any other bonuses will be shared with all the team members, including the office staff.
Yes, Sparklean home offers discounts to our loyal customers for more detailed information visit the coupons section.What do I get if I refer a friend?

Sparklean Home is thankful for your lovely references. We are offering Sparklean Home discounts for your referral for more detailed information please visit the coupons section.
Yes, you can, you will need to notify the office staff by text or email before the scheduled time for your cleaning service, to give enough time to schedule appropriate staffing and adjust the initial booking.
If you are not going to be home you will need to provide specific instructions on how to enter your home. However, if you are going to be there just relax and we will do the rest.
Yes, we do! If you are unsatisfied with our service, you have 24 hours to contact us with any issues. We will come back to correct any issues free of charge.
Laundry is not included in our regular cleaning service, you have the option to hire our service by the hr with this option we come and do your laundry and other extra projects you may have. For more info please visit by the hr service section.

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